WHO WE ARE: Gretchen (above, with grandson
Peter, who is now a lively sixth-grader!), founded The Sunday Paper in 1979. The Sunday Paper is a family business, run out
of an office on the sunporch of the Pritchard home in New Haven. We are happy to take orders or answer your questions by either
phone (203-624-2520) or email (sundaypaper@snet.net). If you call and get the voice mail, please leave a detailed message, and we
will act on your message, whether that means filling an order or getting back to you with answers to your questions.
If you were calling to place an order and have left all the information needed, we will act on your order, but will not normally
call you back to confirm it. An email message is the best way to establish two-way communication.
Orders placed by email are routinely confirmed by a reply email.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree: our daughter
Margaret Pritchard Houston—staff member for children’s
ministries of the Diocese of St. Albans in England, and author of There Is a Season: Celebrating the Church Year with
Children—operates Mustardseed Kids to distribute Beulah Land and other resources in the UK. Our oldest daughter, Grace Pritchard Burson, is an Episcopal priest. She is rector of a parish near Montréal,
and is the original creator of our VBS curriculum, “God’s Garden, God’s City.”

AND SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS I did my first workshops more than 30 years ago, and had
quite a full calendar of speaking engagements for over ten years. I began to cut back on that side of my ministry with the
expansion of my parish responsibilities in 1995, from part-time Minister of Christian Nurture to full-time Children’s
Missioner. Then, after 13 years as Children’s Missioner—and 29 years as Minister of Christian Nurture—I
retired from parish work in 2008, and expected to resume traveling to parishes, dioceses and other gatherings. But the
effect of the recession on church budgets, and the rapidly changing shape of communication and ministry, meant the pace did
not pick back up. And our family entered an extended period of stress that meant I had neither time nor energy to take
on travel and speaking engagements.
The clouds have mostly lifted (and I’ve
had a hip replaced), and I’ve begun to catch up with how to network and exchange
ideas in the new information age. If you should happen to be interested in the kind of approach to children’s spirituality
that The Sunday Paper has come to represent, please get in touch; it would be fun to hit the road again now and then.
