THE SUNDAY PAPER - Lectionary Cartoons
Our lectionary
cartoons were our very first product. Subscribers receive materials in batches throughout the church
year, by email as .pdf files. (We no longer offer hard-copy distribution by mail.)
The original SUNDAY PAPER appeals to intermediate through junior high, and presents one lesson (usually
the Gospel) as a two-line cartoon; the other readings, and the Psalm, are presented as single vignettes. The lessons are tied
together with a short commentary. THE SUNDAY PAPER provides both Track 1 and Track 2 of the Revised Common Lectionary
(as used by the Episcopal Church USA) to all subscribers, allowing you to mix and match depending on which lessons
are read in church on a given Sunday.
PAPER JUNIOR is aimed at younger children (preschool through grade 3 or 4), and also covers both tracks of
the Revised Common Lectionary. The SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR features one lesson only, usually the Gospel. THE SUNDAY PAPER
JUNIOR offers big, bold artwork, a simple story line, an activity page designed to stir children's imaginations and spirituality
and that requires pencil or crayons only (no glue or scissors) and does not involve word games or other literacy-based activities.
THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR can be used in church, nursery, or classroom.
Click below to download and print
a full-size issue of The Sunday Paper or The Sunday Paper Junior, in .pdf form. To format them correctly, use legal-size paper (8 1/2 by 14
inches) and set your Page Scaling preference (on the Adobe Print menu) to "None."
Download a full-sized issue of THE SUNDAY PAPER
Download a full-sized issue of THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR
“My parish subscribes to both
age editions of The Sunday Paper, and we love them! I knew about them from my previous parish in Virginia where we also
used them and believe they are an important part of a larger effort to say to parents and children alike: ‘It
is important for the kids to be here, and we want them here!’ And to be able to do that with something
that in itself is also such a quality biblical educational product is a real joy.”
- The Rev. Susan Buchanan, Christ Church, North Conway, NH “These
leaflets are such a great part of our children's ministry and always give me a theologically sound, child friendly, and wise
perspective on the week.” - Will Bouvel, St. Chrysostom's
Episcopal Church, Chicago, IL
“I don’t
feel like a ‘natural born storyteller’ but your cartoons helped me tremendously! The children seemed to be listening
attentively and seemed to be remembering the stories week after week. Thank you for giving me the courage, images and words
with which to tell the whole story of our people. Thanks for your books and leaflets. Keep up the great work!”
- Iris Bladsell, Emmaus House Chapel, Atlanta, GA
“The Sunday Paper is
a highlight for our children. A visiting child said yesterday when she thought I was taking her paper away,
‘This is mine. I want to keep it to learn about God.’”
- Jill Meares, Coordinator of Christian Formation, Calvary Episcopal Church, Fletcher, NC
JUNIOR receive a .pdf file for each Sunday's issue, which may be printed out and duplicated in quantities needed for local
use. Sunday issues are supplied in batches by church seasons, one
to two weeks before the first Sunday in the batch. You may subscribe year-round or for portions of the year. Materials are sent as .pdf files via email. We no longer
distribute paper copies by mail.
price for a full year of either THE SUNDAY PAPER or THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR is $76.00. The price for a full year of both ordered together, is $120.00. The price for an academic year of either edition (September
through Pentecost Sunday) is $63.00; for both together, $96.00.
Trial subscriptions for one “season”
(6 to 8 weeks) of either THE SUNDAY PAPER or THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR are available for $22.00, or
both togeether for $32.00. Or
you may put together a combination of seasons, such as the two summer seasons, or Fall through Advent/Christmas,
or Epiphany through Eastertide, to match your particular needs or your budgetary calendar. Per-season prices for two or more seasons for either
THE SUNDAY PAPER or THE SUNDAY PAPER JUNIOR are $12.00 per 6-to-8-week season; for both SUNDAY PAPER and
JUNIOR together, $18.00 per season .
For further details, see the Order Forms page.
“We thoroughly enjoy The
Sunday Paper and feel it is by far the best children’s worship bulletin ... we have ever seen ... the art is wonderful,
the section for parents on the back page ... is so helpful, the activities for the children are thoughtful in such a way that
really helps my children to understand the day’s message ... and the bulletins are age appropriate! Thank you for your
... creation of these mini-gems!”
- Mindy Haynes
Heavenly Rest, New York City
“Solid theological insights on every level, including the deepest symbolical
levels, and genius for conveying it to children. Never watered down or insipid ... I never have found resources that good
before.” - The Very Rev. Leona
Irsch Avon, New York
find The Sunday Paper Junior an excellent resource for our small church; I’ve used your Note to Parents several times
on bulletins to tie in with my sermon.” - The Rev. Parker
Marks St. Michael’s, Easley, SC “Oh how the children look forward to their
weekly edition! I have forwarded information to the church down the street and so I hope that they too will start a
subscription. Many many thanks for your hard work; I wish you could be here on Sundays to see and hear the children
when we hand their papers out—many of them like a copy of each.”
- Carol E. Kirner St. Paul’s Church, Brookfield,
Occasionally, you may change your mind and decide The Sunday Paper is not for you. Our cancellation policy is to charge for actual installments
sent to date, at the per-season rate, plus an administrative charge of $10.00. Our prices are, in effect, a licensing fee, so this policy applies even if you do not open or download
the materials, as long as you did in fact order them.
THE SUNDAY PAPER’S EDITORIAL PAGE The Sunday Paper’s Editorial Page is an article, meditation, or resource review accompanying
each seasonal transmission during the school year. The Editorial went online in 2016, via The Sunday Paper’s blog, thesundaypaperblog.wordpress.com, allowing comments, color illustration, links, etc. However, the Editorial itself
continues to be attached to each transmission as a .pdf document. “I’m glad you chose to tackle a hard subject in your last editorial page—which I enjoyed
and appreciated immensely. My daughter has just turned 5 and yes, the power of images is primal—they do stir and
inspire, and thank you for helping me to be comfortable with all her imaginative play, all the witches and princesses and
death and what not. Thank you for being so articulate and right on.”
- Elizabeth Davis, Elijah Kellogg Church (Congregational)
Harpswell, Maine “You’ve perhaps heard
my whoops of agreement across the water as I read your editorial pages especially!”
- Rebecca Nye, Divinity Faculty, Cambridge, UK “I so appreciate your theology and respect of children,
your tenderness toward teaching them, and your fantastic illustrations. Thank you for this vital ministry.” - Catherine Dubas, St. Barnabas’ Episcopal Church,
Annandale, VA “I have just finished reading your Editorial yesterday and thought
is was wonderful and would round out my parish newsletter article very well. We use your Sunday Paper bulletins regularly,
so I have tied your work to my articles in the past. Nice for families to hear more of your insightful writing.” - Cathy Nelson, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church,
Austin, TX “I read with great interest your editorial on children’s toys,
and very much wish to make your perspective available to my congregation. May I quote you (with appropriate acknowledgement)
in our newsletter for families? May I make copies of your editorial for parents in our congregation?”
- Kate Gillooly, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cleveland
Heights. OH